Gameday number 17 today. And thank god it's a game that doesn't matter much. We can't move up or down in the playoff rankings. We are going to Calgary for our first playoff game. Yeah I said our first!!! I expect this team to have three playoff games this year. And hopefully I will see two of those games live. For sure I'm going to Calgary for the semi final. No way I can afford to see the western final live but after we win it I'll figure out a way to get to Winnipeg. Anybody want to donate to my Grey Cup fund?
I reported earlier this week that a player was at practice all week and wasn't wearing a uniform. I figure that 4 1/2 hours before the game is a good time to reveal which player that was. That and the fact that nobody reads this thing so it should be safe. The player who didn't dress or participate in practice this week was Fred Perry. Is he playing tonight? I have no idea. Did the coaches just rest him to heal up some dings? Your guess is as good or better than mine. I'm just reporting what I saw and not reading anything into it at all. My guess is that he plays because he wants the sack title and he wasn't obviously in pain walking around at practice.
Tonight is the steak night at Brewsters east. Chaps put 50 tickets on sale and it sold out. Should be a very good time. And all profits go to support the website. If you want to support here is a link to how Riderfans I know that at time the site is a total gongshow but if you sift through the bullshit there are lots of good informed opinions to be found. And hey even the idiots are good for comic relief sometimes. I just have to decide if I'm wearing the mohawk to the steak night or not. Probably not but stranger things have happened.
Anyway that's about all I wanted to write today except for my prediction on the score tonight. 37-22 Riders. Thanks for reading
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