rickyg's world

Just my random ramblings on my life and other things that might interest me at the time. For the summer and fall this will probably be populated with my ramblings about the Saskatchewan Roughriders CFL football team.

Monday, August 07, 2006

And now I will write about the idiots that I experienced in Calgary. There weren't a lot of them but the ones that I'm writing about made up for the lack of numbers. The first group of idiots were unfortunately Rider fans. We were at the game and a Stamps fan was loud, annoying, and offensive all game long. But hey, what can you expect in the other team's stadium? You know before you buy that you are going to run into a few of those guys. So anyway a few of the fans wearing green decided that they were big manly men and that they should prove it by throwing beer cans at him while hiding in the crowd. I lost it on one of those wimpy, pansy, no dick fucking losers and left my seat because I was ashamed to be anywhere close to assholes like that. Because one of the beer cans that they threw was at least 3/4 full and hit the Stamps fan's wife in the head. I went and checked on her and apologised for being in anyway associated with those losers. No class. And if any of those guys are getting this read to them by someone with more than their third grade education I have two words for you, Fuck You!!

Now for the second loser of the trip. My wife and I had just left the Keg and wandered over to the Macs store near there. I was outside finishing my smoke and a guy walks by and beaks a little bit to me. Nothing major. He goes into the store and I'm not really paying much attention. I finish my smoke and look in and see him getting in my wifes face. I go inside and he's being a major asshole to my wife. He started in on her as soon as he got into the store and finally she hit him on the arm with my flagpole. As soon as he seen me come in he tried backing down. But he picked the wrong woman to be an asshole to. Nobody, not even my best friend gets away with making my wife cry. I told him to apologise and he decided to push me. Which made my night. Lots of security cams in the store that would have helped me if the cops came. He pushed and went backwards, I wasn't giving any ground to a goof like him. I ditched my cape and matched him push for push. I got him back to the door and I think he squeeked out an apology before he left. I wanted to go outside and hurt him. But my wife stopped me. I guess that was a good thing because there was a cop car in the parking lot.


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